Accursed Blood

Accursed Blood examines a number of effectively permanent curses that can be inflicted upon player characters of virtually any race. Though the story-based reasons for these alterations can vary wildly, from a system perspective they are handled in a similar way: via the mechanic of subraces.
Each of the included accursed subraces represents a curse. Accursed subraces can be applied to characters of any playable race at the DM’s discretion. If a character already belongs to a subrace upon acquiring an accursed subrace, the character will lose all traits of their original subrace apart from skill, tool, and weapon proficiencies. If the curse is lifted (provided such a thing is even possible) the afflicted character reverts to their original subrace, regaining any traits lost when the accursed subrace was added, and losing any traits gained from the accursed subrace.
Each of the included accursed subraces represents a curse. Accursed subraces can be applied to characters of any playable race at the DM’s discretion. If a character already belongs to a subrace upon acquiring an accursed subrace, the character will lose all traits of their original subrace apart from skill, tool, and weapon proficiencies. If the curse is lifted (provided such a thing is even possible) the afflicted character reverts to their original subrace, regaining any traits lost when the accursed subrace was added, and losing any traits gained from the accursed subrace.
Accursed Blood contains alternate and new systems for ten subraces:
Deathtouched: You have developed a strong connection with the Border Ethereal.
Shadowtouched: You have an affinity for darkness, at the cost of great despair.
Spellscorched: You have developed a great resistance to all forms of magic, both harmful and otherwise.
Vampire: You have been cursed as a vampire. This alternate system for the curse grants you certain inherent traits.
Werebear: Your lycanthropy gives you the ability to transform into a bear.
Wereboar: Your lycanthropy gives you the ability to transform into a boar.
Wererat: Your lycanthropy gives you the ability to transform into rat.
Wereraven: Your lycanthropy gives you the ability to transform into a raven.
Weretiger: Your lycanthropy gives you the ability to transform into a tiger.
Werewolf: Your lycanthropy gives you the ability to transform into a wolf.
Be sure to check out the other works of writer Travis Legge at
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