Rifts® – New Strawn (The Rifter #70)

For Palladum Books
This issue is epic, with a wide array of source material by several contributors, half of it “official” as well as some by Kevin Siembieda.
This issue is epic, with a wide array of source material by several contributors, half of it “official” as well as some by Kevin Siembieda.
Every issue of The Rifter® is an idea factory for players and Game Masters to generate new ideas and find new avenues of adventure. It provides useful, ready to go source material you can just drop into your ongoing games. A doorway to new possibilities and numerous Palladium role-playing worlds. And the many new characters, O.C.C.s, powers, magic, weapons, villains, monsters, adventures and ideas for one setting can be easily adapted to any Palladium setting. Every issue has material for Rifts® and at least 2-3 other Palladium game lines. With 2015 being the 25th Anniversary of Rifts®, every issue of The Rifter® will feature a Rifts® inspired cover and contain at least one Rifts® article.
The Rifter® #70, Spring issue presents a nice variety of new source material for Rifts® and other Palladium RPG settings. Celebrating the Rifts® 25th Anniversary, there will be an emphasis on Rifts® material and each cover will be Rifts® related.
This issue includes Rifts® – New Strawn, an independent city-state for Rifts® by Travis Legge.
Get YOUR copy at https://palladium-store.com/1001/product/170-The-Rifter-70.html
This issue includes Rifts® – New Strawn, an independent city-state for Rifts® by Travis Legge.
Get YOUR copy at https://palladium-store.com/1001/product/170-The-Rifter-70.html
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