Slouching Towards Bethlehem

Slouching Towards Bethlehem is a campaign book for Contagion Second Edition
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world...
The world of Contagion is a dark and terrifying place. On the surface, it looks much like the world you and I live in. Just beneath that surface, in the shadows, rages an ancient conflict between supernatural factions who all seek dominion over the Earth and control over the souls of humanity. Angels, in service to Yahweh, fight to hang on to their failing grasp of the Earth. Demons, with a legion of Hellspawn at their disposal, ramp up aggression in an attempt to usher in the apocalypse. In the middle, various supernatural races and conspiracies push to make room for their own agendas in a shrinking world.
On the Winter Solstice of 2012, ancient gods known as the Ilu, long ago imprisoned by Yahweh and his angels, were released onto the Earth by Lucifer. The Ilu formed factions and began spreading out across the globe, trying to learn all they could about humanity and hoping to regain some semblance of their lost power and worship. In response to the reemergence of the Ilu, Yahweh ordered his angels to prepare for war. Only one among the heavenly host spoke of trying to bring the Ilu into the fold. Once the angels were told to ready for battle, the Archangel Tyra sought a private audience with Yahweh, offering a peaceful and diplomatic solution. In response, Yahweh cast her down for daring to question his orders. Yahweh hid this sin from the rest of the host, telling the other Archangels that Tyra had been sent on a secret mission of vital import within the Void.
On the Winter Solstice of 2012, ancient gods known as the Ilu, long ago imprisoned by Yahweh and his angels, were released onto the Earth by Lucifer. The Ilu formed factions and began spreading out across the globe, trying to learn all they could about humanity and hoping to regain some semblance of their lost power and worship. In response to the reemergence of the Ilu, Yahweh ordered his angels to prepare for war. Only one among the heavenly host spoke of trying to bring the Ilu into the fold. Once the angels were told to ready for battle, the Archangel Tyra sought a private audience with Yahweh, offering a peaceful and diplomatic solution. In response, Yahweh cast her down for daring to question his orders. Yahweh hid this sin from the rest of the host, telling the other Archangels that Tyra had been sent on a secret mission of vital import within the Void.
Now, as the Ilu slowly gain a foothold on Earth, the forces of Heaven prepare for outright war. To add another level of looming doom to the mix, Hell’s army, now under the command of Azmodeus, seeks to kickstart the apocalypse by any means available. The world is in a bad way, and for the first time in centuries, open war among the supernatural seems not only likely, but inevitable.
Slouching Towards Bethlehem places the player characters front and center in this looming conflict. This book contains a series of adventures designed to drag the player characters into the war and set up their choices to have a profound impact on how major, earth shaking events play out. Within these pages you will find a number of adventures and scenarios that will lead the characters to ground zero of a major event in the world of Contagion. How the characters handle these scenarios could determine the fate of mankind, Heaven and Hell. The characters could become the greatest of heroes or the foulest of villains. Their actions may save the world, or they may damn it.
Slouching Towards Bethlehem is a literal game-changer. The events within these pages will irrevocably alter the world of Contagion, though the degree to which things truly change is up to you, the players, and the dice. Given the scope of the events presented in this book it is highly unlikely that the world of Contagion on the whole will survive unscathed.
Slouching Towards Bethlehem contains:
A ten chapter campaign for use with Contagion Second Edition
Earth-shaking events that will forever change the status quo of the world of Contagion
Game statistics for 20 ready to use NPCs, including never before seen characters as well as advanced statistics for characters featured in Falling Stars, Old Faces for a New World & more.
Details on the whereabouts and plans of several prominent NPCs such as Archangel Tyra, Azmodeus, and Lucifer.
Detailed information on Mauston, Wisconsin, a complete and detailed setting for use in your campaign.
Detailed maps and interior art by Jack Badashski
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