Terror in Krezk

The absence of Strahd and the fading of the Mists of Ravenloft do not utterly cleanse the land. Corruption still abounds in the region of Barovia, even after the defeat of the vampire lord. Barovia without Strahd is a little less dark, and a little less evil, but is still a festering den of supernatural evil. As such, Barovia is somewhat appetizing to various evil entities. With Strahd gone such opportunistic monsters are drawn to Barovia, seeking to sate their unholy appetites on the fattened flock of Barovia’s survivors.
Terror in Krezk explores one such scenario, in which the newly freed lands of Barovia become infested by an Illithid colony. These alien creatures quickly set up a base of operations in western Barovia, on the banks of the Raven River. The Illithid and their servants soon begin feeding on the residents of nearby Krezk, and once again tales of terror and monsters begin to spread across Barovia.
Terror in Krezk is a Dungeons and Dragons adventure for characters of levels 10 - 15 by author Travis Legge. Within these pages, you will find:
A new and exciting tale of terror in the Ravenloft setting.
Six new creatures: Barovian Thrall, Mind Flayer Arcane Apprentice, Mind Flayer Cenomorph, Mind Flayer Tadpole, Ulithalich, and Wereraven Scout.
Two bizarre and alien magic items: The Nautiloid and the Soulwrack
Only $2.00 at http://www.dmsguild.com/product/217079/Terror-in-Krezk
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